Valentin Loire

About me

Now part-time student in a Specialized "Mastère", "Project Management and System Engineering" at CentraleSupelec School and Assystem Technologies firm.
This course gives a managment component to my engineering training, a skill reserched at work nowadays.


After my "Bacalaureate" in engineering sciences I followed a CPGE training (Prep School) at Champollion High School in Grenoble to pass CentraleSupelec national exam and be admissible at l' ENSEA engineering school.

Photo CentraleSupelec

CentraleSupelec - 2018/2019

Mastère Spécialisé "Project Management and System Engineering"
I am doing this year a specialised master in management to complete my technical training and rapidly evolve on jobs with requiering responsibilities. The goal of the formation is to train high level leader into project management with human, technic, economic and finacial skills in industrrials projects.

Photo UCC

UCC - 2017/2018

Master Engineering of Sciences "Sustainable Energies"
At University College Cork I continued my studies with a double degree into sustaible energies: renewable sources of energy (Solar, Wind, Ocean, Biomasse, Geothermal...), energy in building and system odelisation. My courses ended with a master thesis on the possibility of using large battery storages system at existing wind farm in ireland to improve production efficiency and grid management.

ENSEA - 2015/2018

Engineering Degree
I was trained at "École Nationale Supérieure d'Électronique et ses Applications" into engineering process, electronic and electric fields such as analogic, numeric, electromagnetic compatibility, energy conversion etc.


Here are my scolar and professional experiences I was able to do during my training. The impact on my formation and that is why I would like to thank all the persons who permit me to live those opportunuities.

Photo AssystemTechnologies

Assystem Technologies - 2018/Today

Part-time job Specialised Master - Co-architect EE
I work at Assystem Technologies as Electric-Electronic architect in the automotive field.

Photo Atelier Universel

Atelier Universel - Juillet 2017

Second Year Internship
This intership consisted in the realisation of an electronic project in a design firm.

  • Study of capacitive touch-screen
  • Tangible display and 3D object interaction
  • Patent research

Photo CID

ENSEA - Spetembre 2016 / June 2017

2nd year project
Nicolas Guilloux and myself worked during our 2nd year on the project "CID":

  • Prototype of an autonomous coffee maker
  • Mecanic conception, 3D model on SolidWorks©, microprocessor and arduino programing

Photo HUM'ENsea

HUM'ENsea & EcoBenin - Juillet 2016

Humanitarian Internship, Benin, 1st year
First Benin mision 2016 of HUM'ENsea society which installed photovoltaic panels in isolated villages in Benin.

  • Development of financial & assets structure (subventions, crowdfunding)
  • Dimensionnement de systèmes d’éclairage par panneaux photovoltaïques
  • Design and installation of photovoltaic systems
  • Teaching population: usage and up-keeping of the installations


My skills:

  • Languages

    English: C1 | TOEIC : 930 | IELTS : 7
    Spanish: Basic - A2
  • Code

    Advanced: Java, Python, C, LaTeX
    Basis: C++, Shell, Arduino, HTML, CSS, VHDL
  • Modelisation

    3D: Solidworks, Inventor
    System: Ecotect Analysis, Matlab
  • System IT

    Operating: OSX, Windows, Linux (Mint, Raspian, Debian, CentOS)
    Applications: Office pack, iWork pack, Photoshop, FCP X, Motion X, Logic pro X,


My activities at school and at home

  • Sports

    Orienting race: "Midi-pyrennes" County Team Champion (2007/2008)
    Tennis: 8 years
    Scubba diving: First level passed
  • Art

    Guitar & Singing: Create and cover pop and variety since 2003
    Litterature & Poetry: Publication in a Quebec collection: Rélovution Poétique
  • Society

    La Cave: Sound and light director in the school multipurpose room at ENSEA (2017)
    Ares:Robotic society. Participation to ENSEHack Hackaton managing it over several years. DIY electronic projects
    Junior ENSEA: Junior Buisiness at school. Organized conferences, solicite missions and manage projects
    BDLS: Sustainable energy project in the humanitarian society of ENSEA. Participation to the HUM'ENsea Benin project in 2016. Event organisation (HUM'n Zik)...
    CECP: Organisation of student musical springboard Campus Live (23k students)
  • Do It Yourself

    Domotic: Electronic sockets, multimedia server with a Raspberry-pi
    Electronic: Automatic score board for baby-foot, musical interruption system, amplificator repair, holographic 3D display
    WEB: Creation of a presentation website and a blog for my projects on a raspberry-pi.

    To know more about my projects:


Do not hesitate to contact me: